Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sorry for the interruption

Yes, it has been a little while.  May was an incredibly busy month.  But I am back, for what it's worth. 

I feel much better in some ways.  Going gluten-free has eliminated many health problems.  But, healing is a journey, and I'm early on the path.  I still feel exhausted since I can't absorb enough nutrients.  The neuropathy in my left hand is still there.  But at least the GI hell has abated.  And I have hope for getting better.  And...I've lost weight! 

We spent Memorial weekend at my mom's place in BFE...truly, it is in the exact middle of nowhere in far northeastern Iowa.  Just a nice time hanging out, enjoying the beautiful setting, and relaxing as a family.  Andrew and Cecilia got here in time to drive up with us.

They are living with us temporarily, until they find work and get a place of their own.  It's great to have them here.  I hadn't seen Andrew more than a handful of times in the six years he was in the Air Force, due to limited leave time and being stationed so far away.  With Mom selling her place and trying to move into the Greenbelt area, we will have most of the family within a 1-2 hour driving radius, plenty close to get together more often. 

I keep wanting to do something creative and fun, but I'm really having to limit projects right now.  I've had to pare things down to things I have to do and allowing ample time for rest and recovery.  It's hard for me, because I'm a person who used to have a million things going on at once and could never sit still.  Now I can paint for 1-2 hours, and then spend 2-3x that resting.  It's quite frustrating.  But I keep repeating to myself, This is not a race.  It's okay to let yourself take time to heal.  Resting is not laziness.  Sometimes I kind of believe what I say!  Sometimes I feel really lazy and guilty about it.

I will say that I'm not as highstrung about things looking perfect anymore.  Good enough is good enough.  Sometimes I just let that phrase wash over me like a comforting breeze, and wrap itself around me.

Roses are blooming in the garden!

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