Thursday, June 21, 2012

Write It Down & Talents

I need to make more time for my creative side.  That is, the creative side that is separate from creativity at work:  I'm always having to envision new ways of looking at things, or new interventions for clients, as a therapist.  I'm training, slowly, to become a registered play therapist, and using toys and drama and art materials are a huge part of that. 

The other side of my life, "down time", is also something I like to be full of creative pursuits.  I purposefully structure my work week so I can go to choir rehearsals.  Singing is something I am quite good at, and I love it so much.  I actually made All-State as a high school senior with very little formal training.  I think this pissed off a number of people, and at the time it bothered me, but I really could care less anymore. 

I also enjoy or have enjoyed at various points in my life:  watercolor painting; interior design; collage; repurposing and crafting; canning; gardening; calligraphy; creative writing.  I've always wanted to learn to sew and quilt. 

I had a hard time there for awhile, feeling good about myself as a creative, artistic person.  I married into a family that viewed themselves as quite artsy, and they seemed to looked down on me as stupid and dull and without talent.  (Especially one particular member of the family.)  I felt I was inferior to them, and that I had nothing to offer.  I eventually got enlightened and broke out of my shell, thank God.  I was dying slowly in that situation. 


And then there's "writing it down."  I strongly believe that once a word is spoken or written, it enters the universe and there's no telling what will happen next.  Dreams that are hidden stay hidden.  Dreams that are voiced have a chance to catch fire and gain momentum.  My return to college at 24 was a prime example of this.  I shyly put it out there that I wanted to go back to school, and once it was shared with one person, there was no stopping it.  My good friends rallied and encouraged me to try.  Education changed my life forever.

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