Thursday, June 21, 2012

Writing it down, part deux

So now I am going to put some new dreams and thoughts into the world, and see what happens.  I guess it depends on who reads them!  I am not allowing myself to edit with "Yeah, but" here today.   I am blowing these gently and lovingly into the world like dandelion fluff.  Godspeed.

1.  I have always wanted to have a private therapy practice where I function like an old country doctor, making my rounds in the rural areas that don't have access to good, consistent mental health care. 

2.  I've always wanted to learn to play the flute.

3.  I want to learn to make a quilt that looks like a family history timeline.

4.  I've always wanted to learn more about becoming a doula.

5.  I want to learn to surf.

6.  I want to sing the National Anthem at an event.

7.  I want to go on a personal retreat to a place like Omega or Hollyhock, or a create retreat ANYWHERE with Jennifer Louden.

8.  Open....because there's always a new dream, a new #8


  1. This is awesome. Truly awesome. I so want to do this.

  2. Love your list and I love that you left more room for dreams with number 8. And I appreciate that you're putting yourself out there with #52daysofradicalselflove. :)

  3. Paula, putting myself out there scares me sometimes, but I've decided if I don't speak up now (at 44)...well, when will I? So far, no repercussions. And as far as my writing openly and honestly about my life, I just don't know any other way! :-) People will read it and either accept me for who I am or..not.
