Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Take a Number

One thing that is a reality of life as a therapist is billable hours/units.  Any agency I've worked for has an expectation that you bring in a certain amount of money each month, or a "floor".  This isn't a problem for me where I am working now.  I am supported by my team, and marketing brings in plenty of clientele.

I worked at another agency, that I shall not name, that left its therapists in the lurch.  They would do absolutely nothing to market your services, stick you like an afterthought into an "office" in the middle of nowhere that wasn't conducive to providing therapy, and expect you to make a go of it.  When you inevitably would fail to reach your floor, despite fighting your damnedest, they would treat you like you were a personal failure, not just failing to make units.  It got to a point where I realized it was me or them.  If I stayed any longer, I would lose my mind.  I was close to losing my marriage and was losing my physical health.  I realized I only had value to them via numbers...however, even when I was in a different position and making them a lot of money, they never made me feel appreciated.  Ever.  Sadly, this was a Christian organization that behaved as anything but.

I am more than a number, and more than the numbers I bring in.  Yes, the reality of the business is that we have to be productive.  Agreed fully.  But it is the responsibility of the agency to support and market their talent aggressively.  And in the end...it was MY responsibility to take care of myself and bow out of a losing situation.  Best move I ever made.  

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