Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ten Questions...A Year Later

I took part in a 10 day question and answer session a year ago, and had my answers emailed to me yesterday.  Quite interesting, and even a bit frustrating, to see how far I had (and hadn't) come in one year.  I thought it would be good to go through my answers from a year ago, and update them here. 

Day 1:
Describe a significant experience that has happened in the past year. How did it affect you? Are you grateful? Relieved? Resentful? Inspired?
Your Answer:
Went back to work as a therapist full-time, after a major family team meeting grant was ended after many years. I was initially very upset, but now I'm quite grateful.

A year later:  My agency gave lip service to supporting my transition to therapy, and within six months I grew distressed enough to quit.  About three weeks later I joined another agency which on the whole has turned out to be a much better place for me to work.  

Day 2:
Is there something that you wish you had done differently this past year? Alternatively, is there something you're especially proud of from this past year?
Your Answer:
I wish I'd had more energy and paid more attention to my garden on a daily basis. I'm proud, though, that I've done all I could with my health issues.

A year later:  I didn't garden at all this past summer, recognizing that something had to give with the lack of energy.  I decided I'd rather not do it at all than do it half-assed.  I am proudest of the fact that I had the guts to finally walk away from a very dysfunctional workplace, even though I had nothing else on deck.

Day 3:
Think about a major milestone that happened with your family this past year. How has this affected you?
Your Answer:
Both of my sons are completely launched now, with full-time jobs/careers and living out of the home. I miss them both, but on the other hand, enjoy this time in my life now too.

A year later:  One son is back home, and has lived here with his girlfriend since late May.  One thing after another has happened (car problems, illness, etc) and neither of them has jobs or any plans to move as of now.  I'm glad that we can provide help for them, but I will be ready to have space and privacy again.

Day 4:
Describe an event in the world that has impacted you this year. How? Why?
Your Answer:
The economic downturn. We've been fortunate to keep our jobs in our family, but I feel like I'm surrounded by so many in pain, suffering, hopeless.

A year later:  Certainly, the economic downturn continues to be an issue.  However, the elections this year have become nasty and our home is deeply divided.

Day 5:
Have you had any particularly spiritual experiences this past year? How has this experience affected you? "Spiritual" can be broadly defined to include secular spiritual experiences: artistic, cultural, and so forth.
Your Answer:
Our Lenten group this year was such a cohesive, open, sharing group, and I grew through this experience.

A year late:  Spiritually, I have felt somewhat dulled this year.  There's been much in-fighting at our church, and while I wasn't directly involved, it had a ripple effect of distress and disillusionment on me.   We attended a Weekend to Remember couples retreat which was a deep, profound experience.   I feel parched with spiritual thirst, though, uninspired.

Day 6:
Describe one thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year. Why is this important to you?
Your Answer:
Have a correct diagnosis for what ails me, and be well underway with a treatment/management plan.

A year later:  At least have some more answers, if not "the" answer.  Celiac disease, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism, plus having my gall bladder out in emergency surgery were the biggies of the year.  I dropped gluten from my diet, and the pain, neuropathy and bloating went away.  However, it is a VERY tough diet to keep to, especially if you are on the road as much as I am.  I'm going through an adolescent rebellion right now, but eventually I'll get tired of feeling sick, bloated and sluggish, and I'll resign myself to doing what I must.

Day 7:
How would you like to improve yourself and your life next year? Is there a piece of advice or counsel you received in the past year that could guide you?
Your Answer:
I want to see my extended family more often. I want to work on my health. I want to exercise more. I want to slow down and breathe.

A year later:  I did none of these things.  If anything, I exercise less and have sped up my work life.  

Day 8:
Is there something (a person, a cause, an idea) that you want to investigate more fully in 2012?
Your Answer:
The local food movement, and supporting local CSAs. Alternative healing that may help me deal with fibromyalgia.

A year later:  I did join a food cooperative, and love shopping there.  G said we could join a CSA next year, since we spent quite a bit on our share in the coop this year.  I've only had one massage this year, just too busy.
Day 9:
What is a fear that you have and how has it limited you? How do you plan on letting it go or overcoming it in the coming year?
Your Answer:
A holdover from a past relationship that was very abusive...I am afraid of making my current partner angry, even though he would never abuse me. I am afraid to the point that I bottle my "real" self sometimes and don't share my conflicting viewpoints about things, or stand up for my own needs and wants. I need to take a deep breath and realize that this is okay to do, and in fact, necessary for my soul to survive.

A year later:  It came to a real showdown in January of this year, between G and I, a "shape up or this is over" crossroads.  I did open up, in a very real and explosive way.  I hoped that things would get better between us, and in many ways they have.  

Day 10:
When September 2012 rolls around and you receive your answers to your 10Q questions, how do you think you'll feel? What do you think/hope might be different about your life and where you're at as a result of thinking about and answering these questions?
Your Answer:
I hope that I"ll be on the road to better health, and have established some better eating and exercise habits, as well as self-care. I hope I'll be feeling better by then, because I don't feel very well now.

 A year later:  Still struggling.

Day 11:
What are your predictions for 2012?
Your Answer:
Andrew will get married.
Ben will get his first apartment.

Andrew is not married, but is unofficially engaged.  Ben is still looking for an affordable apartment that will accept his cat.