Thursday, May 30, 2013

Momentary Lapse of Reason...or something like that.

Yeah, so I'm back.   I do tend to dip in and out of things.  I usually loop back.  Life is not a linear thing with me.  Sometimes it's kind of like a bunch of parallel universes (is that the plural form?). The past, present and/or future sometimes line up in interesting ways.

Not really a lot to catch up with, from September to today.  Isn't that pathetic?  But it's the truth.  I do pretty much go dormant in the winter; it's just my species.  I don't really bud and bloom til there's more light and warmth. 

I wake up.  I feed the cats and walk the dog.  I drive to work.  I work (which I love dearly, but in the end it is work).  I drive home.  I eat.  I go to sleep.  Lather, rinse and repeat. 

Sometimes there are little blips on the radar.  I talk to an old friend.  I make a great find at a thrift store.  A flower blooms.  A new song. 

Other than the moments of incredible human connection that occur in my work as a therapist...I feel a little bit numb, that I'm floating through the days.  Not unhappy, just quiet.  Observant.  I'm not sure about content.  Maybe. 

Should there be more?