Friday, June 15, 2012

Thanks for the Laughter (AKA another convenient combining of posts!)

I think one of the things I most want to be remembered for is my sense of humor.  I recall as young as three I purposefully put on a new pair of cowgirl boots with a string still attaching the them and walking around silly, for the the very purpose of making people laugh.  It was very intentional.  Fast forward a bit, and I was always known as the court jester, the joker amongst my group of friends.   I was known as the Queen of the Dirty Jokes in junior high.  Oh dear.

Laughter has saved my life, many times---when it was seriously down to either laughing or losing my sanity.  It has saved me from the anesthetizing boredom of many a meeting.  It always surprises people---this quiet, introverted girl suddenly coming up with a blazing, witty joke or comment and having the room breaking out in astonished laughter.  Or laughing so hard at something that I'm literally crying or (better yet) snorting a drink out of my nose (thankfully rare!). 

So something I'm deeply grateful for is my ability to laugh and see the funny side of things.  

I'm grateful for my husband, my family, my children.

I'm grateful for my pets.

I'm grateful for my friends.

You know, the usual.

But I'm also grateful for modern medicine.  I might not have survived childbirth with Son #2, much less my childhood bouts of pneumonia, without it.

I'm grateful for womens' rights and labor laws.  A lot of women had brains and talents that were wasted in the old days; talk about frustration.  I'd have definitely been a "yellow wallpaper" case.

I'm grateful for the ability to communicate with others.  Living in isolation is a horrible thing, for me:  community is empowerment. 

I"m grateful I have true CHOICES in life.

I'm also grateful for small things (seemingly small).

I'm grateful for my front porch, the perfect place for me to unwind.

I'm grateful for flowers, fruits, plants, trees and all God's critters.

I'm grateful for music.

I'm grateful for softness, for warmth, for gentle things, for love.

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