Saturday, April 28, 2012


Well, the blood work came back with some interesting results.  My body is not absorbing B12 or iron, apparently.  In fact, there is growing evidence that I have a gluten intolerance.  Whodathunkit? 

I knew one person, way back in the 80s, who had celiac sprue.  She had to really seek out things that she could eat safely, as the gluten-free craze hadn't arrived yet by many years.  I remember her joy in finding a beer she could drink, or in making a tasty pizza crust with rice flour.  Haven't really known anyone since, although there are a lot of people "going gluten free" these days.  Seems in some cases it's more like a fad diet than medical need, but who knows?

I just never had this pegged for a food allergy, although it does add up.  If I can't absorb iron and B12 from my hurt intestines, then no wonder I'm fatigued and anemic.  No wonder I'm sick and bloated and racing to the bathroom constantly.  Even explains the tingling fingers and the balance issues.  I don't have a family history of gluten allergies, but there are plenty of folks who are lactose intolerant and there are autoimmune diseases, too.  I have hypothyroidism (on meds) and my mom has RA.  My sister is being checked out for RA.  They also say that gall bladder disease and celiac are very related, and I just had mine out with a dangerous attack back in November. 

Hey, I'll do anything to feel better than THIS.  I'm fine with overhauling the way I eat, buy food, cook.  I'd give anything to have the energy to make it through the day or even exercise again. 

Still cutting my Paxil down, against my better judgment, but if the doc says to try it, I guess who am I to say?

Stay tuned.

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