Sunday, April 15, 2012


The wind is just incredibly strong today.  We're not out of the woods yet with potential for strong storms later today.  My poor lilac bushes are currently being bent down to the ground with the force of the wind.  There are branches down all over the yard.  We've lost shingles from the garage (granted, we need to look at a new roof sooner vs. later for it).

The worst thing, though, is this poor butterfly I saw struggling in the breeze.  I just wanted to say "Dude, lay low for a day, why don't you?"  He (or she) was just being thrown around; I'll give it credit though, it just kept on truckin'.  I sadly expect to see birds' nests and eggs smashed on the ground.  We had that happen during a storm last year.  I just love all the creatures that make our yard their home each year.  I feel happy when they are happy; I'm sad when nature deals them a blow. 


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